Stocks for this series are selected based primarily on their quality, as determined by my Quality Snapshot approach (described in DGI Lesson 20, My Quality Snapshot Grading System).

Each article includes an overview of the company, a quality review, and a look at the company’s valuation.

The fact is that a lot of great DG stocks haven’t been well-valued for years, as a result of the long bull market that began in early 2009 and has continued almost without interruption for more than a decade. This series gives me opportunities to tell you about those great companies.

I still analyze each stock’s valuation. If the stock is not well-valued currently, I suggest a reasonable entry price for those who wish to wait.

I know that some investors, especially younger ones with long investing careers ahead of them, won’t wish to wait. They aren’t very concerned about current valuations. They figure that in 10-15 years, they won’t care what they paid for the best companies; they will just be glad that they own them. This new series is aimed squarely at them.

I therefore hope that this new series will serve a broader audience by spotlighting a wider range of truly excellent DG companies. The former Valuation Zone articles are archived here.


October 2021: JPMorgan Equity Income Premium ETF (JEPI)
September 2021: Atmos Energy (ATO)
August 2021: holiday
July 2021: holiday
June 2021: Gilead Sciences (GILD) 
May 2021: Merck (MRK)
April 2021: Lockheed Martin (LMT)
March 2021: PepsiCo (PEP)
February 2021: Microsoft (MSFT)
January 2021: Procter & Gamble (PG)


December 2020: Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMY)
November 2020: Amgen (AMGN)
October 2020: Apple (AAPL)