Note from Greg Patrick: We are very sad to inform DTA readers that David Fish passed away on May 12, 2018. David had been a contributor to DTA since May 2013, penning nearly 150 articles for us. He also contributed a lesson to Dave Van Knapp’s lessons on Dividend Growth Investing. But what David was most known for among our investing community is his Dividend Champions, Contenders and Challengers (CCC) list — a list of several hundred companies that have grown their dividends for at least five consecutive years. For the past several years David had allowed us to republish his CCC list on our website. It has been an invaluable resource for dividend growth investors, including myself. Personally speaking, I number David among a very small handful of dividend growth investing practitioners that helped me embrace the DGI strategy for my own portfolio. I am grateful to have had the chance to learn from him, work with him, and share his knowledge with DTA readers. He will be dearly missed. Our deep gratitude goes to Justin Law, who is now maintaining the CCC list. Below is a summarized version of Justin’s most recent update.

Last updated on November 30, 2023, the following 692 stocks have raised dividends each year for at least the past five years.

This list is a summarized version of the late David Fish’s popular “CCC” list, which contains what he called…

  • Dividend Champions: U.S. stocks that have grown dividends for the last 25+ consecutive years
  • Dividend Contenders: U.S. stocks that have grown dividends for the last 10-24 consecutive years
  • Dividend Challengers: U.S. stocks that have grown dividends for the last 5-9 consecutive years

Disclaimer: The following information is updated at the end of each month. Although all figures are thought to be correct, no guarantee is expressed, nor should any be implied.