Author: Jason Fieber, Dividends And Income

Reader Mailbag: “I’m trying to make money for retirement. I also want to purchase land and real estate.”

Many of us want to secure our financial future and retire comfortably. And many of us want to own real estate, too. What’s really amazing is that you could potentially kill two birds with one stone. There’s an investment strategy out there that allows you to build the wealth and passive income necessary to retire comfortably – even retire early – and also own a slice of real estate without the associated headaches…

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Reader Mailbag: “I’d like help with wealth preservation and achieving positive returns on existing investments.”

Preserving and growing wealth is, of course, a goal for every investor out there. The whole point of investing is to earn a return on risked capital. But how one goes about earning that return, and how much risk is taken, is ultimately an individual call. In my view, here’s the most logical way of growing your wealth…

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