Oil prices likely aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Not with all the geopolitical pieces at play. There’s 1 oil stock in particular that recently broke out of a 8 year consolidation.

It’s pulled back to the support lines twice and recently pulled back this past week. I can see this stock exploding over the next few years. As oil sits above $60/barrel, this company is printing money. They just raised their dividend 10%+. I share these types of opportunities every week for free in my Thursday videos.

— Serge Berger

The Most Perfect Dividend Stock [sponsor]
This stock checks all the boxes. Pays a high dividend (8%), has a record of increasing that yield (an average of 37.5% throughout company history), and is set up perfectly to profit from continued Fed rate hikes. Click here for the name and ticker of the most perfect dividend stock on the market right now.

Source: Investors Alley