Markets are starting to catch up to the reality of the Federal Open Market Committee’s messaging on Wednesday and are settling back down again after a brief pop. As I’ve been saying for a while, they’re not kidding about keeping rates higher for longer. The same thing happened this time that’s happened every time there’s been a buzz of positive sentiment about the Fed backing off: a very short run up followed by a quick tumble.

I’ll be frank, people – there isn’t a lot of good news out there right now, and you need to be very careful with your capital.

But there are always opportunities, and on my live show this week, I review two of them that I think you need to be looking at right now. One of them is a Chinese stock that has a great chance of doing well no matter which way the market goes, and the other is my take on where the real investible bottom is going to be as we go into earnings season.

To check out the broadcast, just click the image below:

As always, keep an eye on your inboxes for more market news and profit opportunities as I find them.

— Shah Gilani

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Source: Total Wealth