When it comes to investing in stocks, I believe that intelligent investing implies investing for specific objectives or needs. Every investor is unique, and therefore, possess unique goals, objectives, and risk tolerances. Therefore, each investor’s portfolio should reflect those attributes to empower them to stay the course.

Certain investors may be most concerned with growth. Others with safety. And of course, many retired investors – since they no longer work – are looking for income that can keep up with and preferably exceed inflation. In recent times, fighting inflation has become paramount just to survive.

As a result, it all boils down to designing a portfolio with objectives that make sense for each unique investor. In this video I provide a condensed demonstration of how to blend dividend growth stocks together in such a way as to accomplish a specific income need.

Additionally, I discuss how to deal with evaluating performance, and risk.

— Chuck Carnevale

Apple to SHOCK Emerging $46T Industry [sponsor]
Silicon Valley venture capitalist Luke Lango says this little-known Apple project could be 10X bigger than the iPhone, MacBook, and iPad COMBINED! Investing in Apple today would be a smart move... but he’s discovered a bigger opportunity lying under Wall Street’s radar -one that could give early investors a shot at 40X gains! Click here for more details.

Source: FAST Graphs