Once again, I was right, and nearly every so-called “pro” was wrong.

Leading up to this election, I claimed that the race was too close to call. Not only did the race turn out to be a nail-biter, but the fact that it did is great news for tech investors.

This outcome has spurred a massive rally for stocks, especially for high tech, in no small measure to the fact that thanks to the closeness of the race, the Republicans will likely hold the Senate.

You see, wall Street prefers divided government so that neither party can run the board on taxes and spending.

Not only that, but tech has been seeing a powerful growth trend across the past two administrations in general, regardless of party.

All in all, this remains a great time to be investing in tech as the sector helps America rebound from the recession.

You can expect tech to give Biden a big boost early in his presidency.

It can do the same for you. Strategic Tech Investor is all about finding ways for you to make money no matter how the political winds turn.

With that in mind, today I’m going to reveal three fields I think will beat the overall market and show you how to play each trend…

Bipartisan Growth
Now then, I’ll leave it to the pundits and talking heads to see if they can sort why the polls and Big Media were so wrong in 2020.

Trump went from being down as much as 10% to being narrowly beaten in a few key battleground states.

But as the saying goes, that’s a matter for another day

Right now, our objective is to make money on the road to wealth that is high tech.

With history as our guide, the picture here actually looks pretty good

The Obama-Biden administration delivered for tech investors. Fact is, the Nasdaq Composite Index gained 217% during their eight years in office.

Despite the correction last March, that trend continued under Trump with the Nasdaq up 131% during his term. More proof: Apple Inc. (AAPL) became a $2 trillion company and Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN) grew per-share earnings by an average of 91% a year.

In fact, tech saved the U.S. economy when as many as 70 million workers turned their homes into offices. This has caused a permanent shift toward such fields as cloud computing, e-commerce, and fintech.

Biden also will a get boost from a new vaccine announced earlier this week. Pfizer Inc. (PFE) said its compound in clinical trials proved 90% effective against the disease.

However, at this point, we don’t know when the FDA would approve the vaccine and how quickly we can get widespread distribution.

But if the president elect’s team handles this adroitly, it would be a boon to his popularity, not to mention give a huge boost to the economy and the market.

Beyond that, I believe a Biden administration will serve as a catalyst for three tech sectors in particular. Take a look:

Biden Tech Catalyst No. 1: Green Energy and SolarEdge Technologies Inc. (SEDG)
During his campaign, Biden promised to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and get America’s electric grid to be carbon-neutral by 2035.

That’s going to require massive investments in wind, solar, hydro, biomass, and nuclear power. The Biden-Harris campaign’s full energy plan has a price tag of $2 trillion.

Biden’s program calls for putting in 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations by the end of 2030 and shoring up tax credit for buying electric vehicles.

More to the point, the Biden administration may well create a national solar incentive or mandate similar to California’s requirement that new homes be built with solar panels.

Even without that, analysts expect to see U.S. solar installations to grow by 42% from now through 2025.

And a very lucrative play on this is Israeli-based solar inverter manufacturer SolarEdge Technologies Inc. (SEDG).

Simply stated, without inverters, solar panels don ‘t produce usable energy for homes or commercial structures. And SolarEdge makes some of the best inverters on the planet.

Over the past three years, the firm has grown earnings by an average of 30%. At that rate, they’re on pace to double in 18 months, not counting the impact of any new solar legislation out of Washington.

Biden Tech Catalyst No. 2: Drones and Aerovironment Inc. (AVAV)
The president-elect is taking over at a great time for drones, also referred to as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Consider that IDC estimates U.S. shipments of commercial drones will jump to 5.7 million by 2022. That’s an increase of 216% from the 1.8 million that shipped last year.

And PwC says the total addressable market for commercial drones is $127.3 billion. Infrastructure and agriculture account for nearly 60% of that.

Biden is expected to push the FAA to grant more commercial licenses.
On top of that, his former boss relied heavily on military drones to fight the war on terror.

During those eight years, America made 10 times more drone strikes against insurgents and terrorists than in the eight years under Bush.

That makes Aerovironment Inc. (AVAV) a great double play. The firm has decades of experience selling drones and systems to the Pentagon.

But it’s also working with businesses including farmers and 5G providers to bring them the benefits of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Over the past three years, AVAV has grown its earnings by 21%. At that rate, they could easily double in less than 3.5 years.

Biden Tech Catalyst No. 3: China and Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. (BABA)
Trump pushed hard against Chinese telecom companies such as Huawei or ZTE working in the West. He was worried they would be Trojan horses for Chinese intelligence.

That concern isn’t going away. But where Trump banged on China, Biden will seek to cool things down a notch and improve relations.

And there’s just no question that there are some great tech firms in China that are growing incredibly fast.

It’s all due to China’s huge population shifts. Between 2015 and 2026, a whopping 250 million people will have moved from China’s poor countryside to its richer cities, and up into the middle class.

The demographic means tech-savvy consumers will drive China’s $14 trillion economy, second only the U.S. With the pandemic, China’s consumers are shopping online like never before.

And a really great way to get in on this action is the grand Chinese e-commerce master itself, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. (BABA).

Last year alone, Alibaba and its many sites processed $1 trillion in gross merchandise volume. With 726 million annual active customers, Alibaba has more than twice as many users as the U.S. has people.

Fiscal 2020 revenue sits at a stunning $72 billion, a 31% jump from the prior fiscal year.

On average, Alibaba is growing its earnings at 25% a year. At that rate, they will roughly double in just under three years.

And just like here, COVID led to a huge surge in e-commerce, the cloud, and fintech in China. Those trends aren’t going away, and Alibaba will remain a huge winner there.

So, whether you like him or not, a Biden administration is going to offer plenty of opportunities for us tech investors.

As the economy comes back, we finally defeat COVID, and Biden’s investment plans start coming online, we’re going to have a fertile field where we can continue to crush the market.

Cheers and good investing,

Michael A. Robinson

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Source: Strategic Tech Investor