Looking for a parking spot for 15 minutes, spending 20 minutes filling out forms, and waiting for 30 minutes or more to see your doctor is a relic of the past thanks to virtual medical appointments through our computers and phones.

And it’s easy to see why.

What’s referred to as “telemedicine” can save patients nearly two hours of their time, according to Forbes.

Being in the comfort of their own homes is also a major selling point, as a Doctor.com survey found that 91% of the respondents said telemedicine would:

  • Help them stick to their appointments
  • Manage prescriptions and refills.
  • Follow wellness regimens suggested by their doctor.

Keep in mind folks that telemedicine was becoming more commonplace, and then COVID-19 sent it into overdrive.

As far as hard numbers go, telemedicine forecasts B.C. (before coronavirus) show this market is only getting more valuable, climbing 127% from $35.5 billion dollars to $80.6 billion by 2025.

So those estimates could be too conservative, and I don’t want you to wait around to make money as this market gets bigger and bigger.

The good news is there’s a fire sale going on in the telemedicine market that we can take advantage of right now that will pave your road to wealth.

I’m talking about Teledoc Health Inc. (TDOC), which got slammed on August 5, closing down 19%.

The reason was that the firm is making a big buyout, one that I think is very savvy.

If everyone else takes that as a sign to sell, all the better for us…

Adapting to The Times

Teladoc’s platform allows physicians to reach patients at home, pharmacists to run virtual clinics without a scheduled appointment, and medical records to be shared.

Sales were surging 66% a year even before the pandemic struck, and Teladoc was in a great position to keep growing.

As the global leader in virtual medicine, Teladoc’s huge network encompasses physicians in over 450 subspecialties.

That means every patient can be matched with the care team that’s exactly right for them, no matter where they live. And because it’s all online, Teladoc’s services are available 24/7, year-round.

All while maintaining the strictest health-privacy regulations and clinical-care guidelines.

When COVID hit, this growth got turbocharged. Emergency legislation moved to help society adapt. It poured huge resources into getting a working vaccine to the public as fast as possible.

But, on top of that, practically all health insurance in America began offering virtual medicine at the same rates as in-person visits.

Teladoc saw astonishing growth. In the second quarter of this year, the firm revenue grew by 85% and the number of “visits” made by patients grew by 203%, compared to a year prior.

As I said, now that people are used to virtual doctor’s appointments for simple things, there’s no going back.

Virtual medicine is here to stay.

Data-Driven Health

That’s exactly why Teladoc just announced they’re acquiring Livongo Health Inc. (LVGO).

Where Teladoc focuses on connecting physicians, pharmacists, and patients, Livongo is a leader in a different part of the virtual medicine space – health devices.

After all, there’s a lot that physicians and nurses can do and find out remotely. But sometimes they just need to know a patient’s blood pressure, glucose levels, and so on.

That’s exactly where Livongo comes in. They make medical devices that allow healthcare providers to remotely monitor health metrics such as blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, even behavioral health.

As you can see, Teladoc and Livongo make for a great fit. Together they allow physicians and nurses to speak to patients remotely while having the most up-to-date information on their health.

In fact, that information, gathered throughout the day, can be more accurate than a single test given at the doctors’ office.

And the firms are already looking at using AI to give people customized “nudges” to become healthier, based on all this information.

The AI will also help personalize the treatment regimens for each patient. That’s much more difficult to do when physicians only interact with patients at the office.

That’s the beauty of the platform. It integrates health coaches, as well as diet and wellness experts.

And patients with hypertension, diabetes, and other chronic diseases, including mental health issues, can receive all the care they need, wherever they are.

All personalized to the patient’s specific situation.

For patients with chronic conditions, this could be a game-changer. See, many find it difficult to go see even one doctor, let alone travel to various offices to see a series of experts.

Contactless Medicine

In the meantime, this merger is also emblematic of a larger trend that COVID has only accelerated – going digital.

And that includes touchless payment systems like WiFi-enabled credit cards. That way patients can avoid going to the doctor’s office as well as eliminate the risk of getting germs from a payment machine when they do pay in person.

Teladoc and Livongo are accelerating that future. And they’re going to be an earnings powerhouse.

Just look at their numbers from last quarter. Teladoc’s earnings per share were up 41%, while Livongo’s were up a stunning 238%.

Now that they’ll work together to integrate and cross-sell their services and products, that growth rate will only increase.

So, ignore Wall Street’s overreaction to the merger announcement. Some investors clearly must have misunderstood what was happening, while others simply wanted to capture some profits.

But this combined company could grow even faster than the breakneck speed at which Teladoc and Livongo have been growing separately.

And by dropping the share price, Wall Street has handed you a spectacular buying opportunity.

It’s one that can help you build a position in this virtual medicine winner over the long haul – and keep your portfolio healthy and prosperous.

Cheers and good investing,

Michael A. Robinson

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Source: Strategic Tech Investor