Note from Daily Trade Alert: In January 2020 we launched a brand new column geared entirely for new investors, headed up by our good friend, Liz. Liz is a millennial who admits she knows practically NOTHING about investing. Which is actually quite perfect for this column, since many of you reading it may be in similar situations — you’ll be learning together! Liz started from scratch in 2020 and is taking us along on her journey as she learns how to make smart investments that can help her achieve her goal: to generate passive income so she can be more selective with the freelance work she takes on, as well as spend more time enjoying her two horses, Cairo and Nimbus.

Well, what a crazy time to start investing! With all of the high hopes for the start of a new decade, I certainly didn’t imagine that three months into 2020, we would be facing a global pandemic.

Needless to say, it’s a tumultuous time for everyone, and I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling queasy from the rollercoaster the stock market has been on.

To be honest, I have very mixed feelings knowing that this actually might be one of the best investment opportunities of my lifetime while knowing so many people are finding their financial security compromised by this crisis.

Check out the video to learn more about why I chose Apple (AAPL), Disney (DIS), and Starbucks (SBUX)… what my thoughts are to losing a large percentage value of my (albeit small) portfolio… and how this has altered my perspective on my long-term investing plan.

To hanging on for the ride,


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