The stock markets are obviously in uncharted territory, and while that’s extremely uncomfortable, it’s not necessarily unprofitable if you have a plan. If you’re flying by the seat of your pants, that’s something else entirely and a topic for another time.

What matters now is very simple.

Calm perspective.

The markets seem like they’re in free fall, but really they’ve just retreated to 2017 levels.

Yes, it’s true the bull market that we’ve enjoyed since 2009 finally broke, but that’s not the end of the world literally or figuratively.

A little perspective is in order.

Apple went from $74 billion in 2009 to a capitalization of $1.4 trillion in 2020.

Amazon… $26 billion to $1.1 trillion over the same time frame.

Google… $178 to $1.75 trillion.

Even Nvidia, a much smaller player, jumped from $3.6 billion to $179 billion.

My point?

Growth may slow to a snail’s pace, but it will not stop. And when that happens, the markets will resume their upside charge as a means of tapping into the life-changing profits that go with it.

That’s why now – more than ever – you want to be on board if at all possible.

I know it’s scary.

But being “in to win” is how you actually do win.

Note: This video was originally released on Saturday, March 14. Anacortes High School has since closed.

Key Takeaways

  1. The coronavirus is far more serious than experts are letting on, but it is not the end of the world when it comes to your money.
  2. The markets have an upward bias, which is why you want to be constantly playing offense even when defense seems like the better way to go.
  3. This fund is a great way to counter market risk AND potentially rack up some nice profits, too.

— Keith Fitz-Gerald

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Source: Money Morning