If you think it’s too late to be investing in marijuana stocks, think again.

According to the National Institute for Cannabis Investors, legal marijuana was a $10.8 billion market in 2018. But by 2029, it’s estimated the market could hit a whopping $2.6 trillion in annual sales.

That’s growth of 23,974%. For the entire industry.

But how do you choose the right marijuana stocks to buy?

There are hundreds of companies, many with tiny valuations, all trying to vie for your investment dollars.

Many are legitimate businesses, trying to break into one of the fastest-growing industries the world has ever seen.

However, many others are just trying to take advantage of unwitting investors.

These companies often have very small market caps and trade on “over the counter” exchanges or on the Pink Sheets.

One of the safest ways to invest in burgeoning industries like marijuana is to find the biggest, most stable companies in the sector.

Below, you’ll find a list of the 50 biggest companies currently operating in the marijuana space, according to the National Institute for Cannabis Investors. Note, not all of these are traditional “marijuana stocks.” Some are large biotech or pharmaceutical companies entering the sector.

And after the list, I’ll show you one of the best marijuana stocks to buy for 2020.

Here are the 50 largest marijuana stocks on the market today…

This list provides an extremely wide range of companies. The top stock on the list is valued over $415 billion, while the smallest checks in under $300 million.

And when it comes to finding the best one to invest in, we have you covered.

This is the best marijuana stock to buy today…

The Best Marijuana Stock to Buy in 2020 for Safe and Reliable Returns

One of our favorite marijuana stocks at Money Morning is also No. 8 on the above list: Constellation Brands Inc. (NYSE: STZ).

Now, there’s no denying that STZ stock has been volatile. From June 2018 to January 2019, Constellation stock dropped more than 31%. But since then, the stock has been on a tear. In the last 12 months, STZ stock has popped more than 15%.

That performance looks even better when you compare it to one the largest cannabis ETFs, the ETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF (NYSE: MJ), which has tanked more than 50% in the last 12 months.

Constellation is actually a beverage company, traditionally focused on beer, wine, and spirits. But in recent years, it has become a major player in the cannabis space as well.

In 2019, Constellation bought a 38% stake in Canopy Growth Corp. (NYSE: CGC), one of the more recognizable names in marijuana. That gives investors the upside of the cannabis market, along with the safety of a $37 billion beverage business.

STZ is also one of the few cannabis plays that pays a dividend. Right now, it offers a modest yield of 1.55%. You won’t find that with many of the stocks on the list above.

If your trading service offers it – and most of them do – you can also put those dividends into a dividend reinvestment program (DRIP).

With a DRIP, your dividends will automatically be used to buy more shares of the company, and you won’t have to pay a dime for them.

— Kyle Anderson

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Source: Money Morning