Even casual investors have heard the name Jeffrey Gundlach; he’s quoted nearly every week in financial publications.

Gundlach had dazzling success in the rough-and-tumble mortgage-backed securities and credit markets during a market that bankrupted his less savvy rivals.

It was this success that led Barron’s to acclaim him “Bond King” in a February 2011 cover story.

After just six months in the banking business, the ex-musician and summa cum laude Dartmouth philosophy and mathematics grad was managing several hundred million dollars – doing more than his bit to ensure Trust Company of the West Group spent the entire decade from 1999 to 2009 in the top 2% of intermediate-term bond funds.

When he left TCW in 2009, he founded his own firm, DoubleLine Capital. After barely eight months in business, DoubleLine outperformed every single one of the 91 other bond funds in the Morningstar intermediate-term bond category.

In other words, Gundlach has a legendary reputation – and a performance track record that more than backs it up.

And now… with the recommendation I’m about to share, the Bond King is coming to “work” for you!

I’ve Got to Tell Everyone About These Shares

The way I see it, one of Gundlach’s more impressive accomplishments was near the start of his banking career.

Gundlach’s bosses at TCW threw him into the bond market by his belt loops; he had to take a quick “crash course” in bonds, during which he devised his own bond formulae – there’s that Dartmouth mathematics degree.

He knows more about bonds – how to price ’em and how to pick ’em – than arguably anyone else in the market.

Today, DoubleLine Capital offers some 18 funds to retail investors. All are great investments, but one in particular stands out.

I recommended this fund to my paid 10-Minute Millionaire subscribers earlier this summer because it perfectly hits every single one of my criteria for our “Monthly Paycheck Plan” investments. In other words, it has a demonstrated ability to maintain an unfailingly stable price and – more importantly – a significant, market-beating, inflation-crushing yield.

DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (NYSE: DSL) is a closed-end, fixed-income mutual fund that primarily invests in various types of debt securities with a focus on emerging markets.

Since 2013, DSL has consistently delivered a dividend payment of $0.15 per share or more every single month. With the Federal Reserve likely to slash rates another 25 basis points next month, now is the perfect time to add a debt-securities fund to your portfolio. In a falling interest rate environment, the price of bonds and other debt securities rises.

With the “Bond King” ruling over DSL’s portfolio management, you can leverage his outstanding 20-year history of wild outperformance and put it to work for you. These peerless income shares belong in every portfolio right now.

— D.R. Barton, Jr.

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Source: Money Morning