You have a choice…

It’s a fork in the road. And you need to choose a path.

This won’t be easy. The choice you should make probably isn’t the one you’ll want to make.

This requires you to go against your instincts. You’ll need to trust what you’re seeing instead of worrying about what you’re feeling.

It’ll be worth it, though. Stepping up and making the right move now could mean huge profits as the “Melt Up” plays out.

Today, I’ll share the big question you need to answer. And I’ll explain why it could lead to huge profits if you make the right choice.

Let me explain…

With the Melt Up in place, our upside is tremendous. Regular readers know what we’re talking about when we say “Melt Up”…

It’s the idea that, before the big “Melt Down” in the markets, stocks will first melt up. Heck, if things go right, we could see triple-digit profits over the next year or so.

That’s not a crazy prediction. But you do have to be willing to make the right move now for things to work out in your favor.

Right now, you need to make a choice…

Follow your gut… or follow the data.

Your gut probably has a strong opinion about the markets right now.

It’s telling you to be wary of stocks. It’s pulling at you, making sure you know we’re now in the longest bull market in history… And it could end at any time.

Your gut probably also tells you valuations are high… And investors are too optimistic…

Your gut wants you to believe that those risks will cause the next market crash… and that it’ll likely happen soon.

The problem isn’t with your gut’s logic. All those risks are real, depending on which measures you use. The problem is that right now, none of them matter.

That’s why you need to ignore your gut and follow the data.

You see, it’s easy to be fearful right now. This is the longest bull market in history. Valuations are much higher than they were before the bull market began. And investors are getting more interested in stocks.

But none of that matters right now… because of one piece of data. It’s the only data point that matters right now. And it proves that we have a chance to make incredible returns today. You can see it in the chart below…

The S&P 500 Index broke out to a new all-time high last month. That confirms a major uptrend in U.S. stocks. And honestly, that’s all you need to know right now.

I know many readers will object to this. How can one piece of data trump everything else?

Well, if you’ve been reading my work for long here at DailyWealth, you know I believe in the trend. Decades of history show that following the trend is one of the best ways to make money in the markets.

Right now, with the S&P 500 breaking out to new all-time highs, the trend is clearly moving higher. We don’t have to worry about the fears in our gut as long as that’s the case.

The data says the U.S. bull market is still intact. And more than that, it says the Melt Up is continuing.

What do we do as investors? Easy. We put money to work.

You want to own U.S. stocks right now. And, as we’ve been hammering home for the past couple months, you want to own tech stocks in particular. They were some of the best performers during the last Melt Up – back then, they jumped 200%-plus in the final push higher.

Please, ignore your gut. Don’t let fear push you out of the market. Stocks are booming, and you need to be invested now.

Good investing,


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Source: Daily Wealth