This might be the most valuable article you read this year. Or maybe ever. That’s a big statement. And I’m going to back it up.

If you’re still paying full price for stocks, you need to stop right now.

Instead, you should be enjoying discounts of 20% to 50% on every share of stock you want to buy.

It’s no different than hopping online and buying a big-screen TV. If you saw it priced at $1,200 on Amazon, think how much better you’d feel if you could buy it for $600.

It may not happen often online, but it happens in the stock market all the time.

Better yet, the market will pay you whether it can deliver on the discount or not (unlike Amazon, who won’t deliver your TV if it’s out of stock).

Yes, you’ll receive a rebate regardless of what happens.

Say you want to buy shares in Cisco Systems (Nasdaq: CSCO), one of the most solid companies on Wall Street and in the world.

The shares are trading right around $42.50. Too rich for my blood, especially in this market.

No, I want to pay less than $30 for the shares… $29.40 to be exact. That’s 30% off its current trading price. And I want to buy 1,000 shares. If I get the shares, I have to come up with $29,400 as opposed to the $42,500 everyone else is paying.

For agreeing to buy Cisco at $29.40, the market will pay me (not a misprint) $600 right now.

If Cisco never gets to my price, I keep my $600. If it goes higher, I keep my $600. Even if I buy the shares, that $600 is mine to keep. It’s a win-win-win trade.

Now you know what put selling is. It allows you to set the price you want to pay for a stock. Whether you get the stock at your price or not, the market will pay you handsomely for trying.

Want some proof? Over the past year, readers of my Automatic Trading Millionaire service have pulled in more than $5.2 million from the market in cold hard cash, even with the decline in the market.

In today’s volatile market, you’d be crazy to pay full price for any stock. In fact, you shouldn’t pay full price ever.

I’m so passionate about helping you save (and earn) more money in the market, I want to show you exactly how to buy stocks at steep discounts. Watch your inbox over the next few days. I’ll tell you more about it then.

Good investing,


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Silicon Valley venture capitalist Luke Lango says this little-known Apple project could be 10X bigger than the iPhone, MacBook, and iPad COMBINED! Investing in Apple today would be a smart move... but he’s discovered a bigger opportunity lying under Wall Street’s radar -one that could give early investors a shot at 40X gains! Click here for more details.

Source: Wealthy Retirement